All posts tagged: supper club april

Last Saturday dinner party was great!

Dear Friends, we had a lot of fun last Saturday and we are so glad that our guests loved the Menu we presented…thanks again to everybody! Springtime is coming! (at least about the ingredients we can use, finally…waiting for “true” sunny days in Berlin..!) Here you are some quick pictures we took while serving the courses 😉 Shrimps salad, Beelitzer Asparagus and black sepia ink bread Beelitzer Asparagus au gratin with Taleggio DOP fondue the next dinner on Saturday 5th is fully booked but there are still some slots available on Saturday 12nd May; make your reservation writing at See you soon! Metti una sera a cena SupperClub Berlin

Menu for Saturday 7th April

Dear Friends, We are glad to present the Menu: Menu 7th April 2012 appetizer Carpaccio di fragole, insalatina di mare, crema di mela verde e pane al nero Strawberries carpaccio, seafood salad, green apple cream and black bread * first course Risotto con asparagi, caprino, pancetta croccante e fiori Risotto with Asparagus, goat cheese, crispy pancetta and flowers * Intermezzo Gelato alla cipolla e olio d’oliva, pesce spada affumicato Homemade onion and olive oil ice cream, smoked swordfish * second course Merluzzo con gratin alle mandorle su crema di avocado, chips di cipolla rossa Cod with almonds gratin, avocado cream, red onion chips * dessert Chocolate… see you there!! Metti una sera a cena Supper club Berlin

Dinner on Saturday 7th April is now fully booked!

Dear Friends,   our next event on Saturday 7th April is now fully booked; you can add your name to the waiting list here The menu will be published very soon! By the way, there are still 4 slots available for the next one on Saturday 21st April: write at to make your reservation or click here. See you there!! Metti una sera a cena Supper Club Berlin